The World Health Organization (WHO) defines pregnancy, or gestation, as the nine months during which the fetus develops in the woman’s uterus. It is a stage that marks the life of a woman going through various physiological and psychological changes.
Those couples and mothers who are planning the arrival of a son or daughter should know that the period prior to pregnancy is the opportune time to improve the woman’s diet, ensure a supply of essential nutrients for intrauterine development, particularly folic acid, and correct the weight if necessary. It is also advisable to eliminate the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Pregnancy represents a period of great vulnerability from the point of view of health and nutrition, since it largely determines the well-being of the woman, the fetus and the childhood of the girl or boy who is going to be born. If there is a weight deficit or obesity, the opportunity to correct it is before and not during pregnancy. However, if the couple or mother has become pregnant without planning, these measures should be taken immediately upon acknowledgment of the pregnancy.
Prenatal control allows us to assess the woman’s health and nutrition status, and to detect possible complications early. It is recommended that the woman be checked before the first missed menstrual period or before the first 12 weeks in which she misses her menstruation (the sooner, better) and then continue to do so periodically. In Trinidad and Tobago, any couple or pregnant mother can attend prenatal check-ups at health centers or hospitals regardless of their immigration status.
Additionally, during pregnancy, the preparation of the documents parents will require for the baby’s registration is important, since this must be carried out before the newborn reaches 3 months of age.
For more information access the available online resources:
Pregnancy supporting organizations:
Birth center
Phone contact:868-621-2368/868-621-5712
For questions please contact our early childhood development unit you can do so through the telephone number 1868-3453865.
Care after birth of baby
During the first weeks of your baby’s life, you will spend most of your time feeding, changing diapers, and comforting him. Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed. It’s natural to wonder if you’re doing the right thing, especially if this is your first child. Caring for newborns becomes easier as the days go by. You can soon learn the meaning of each cry and be able to understand what your baby needs and wants.
At first, babies usually sleep during the day and are awake at night. They have no pattern or routine. They may gasp, shake and wake up, or appear cross-eyed. All of this is normal, and may even make you smile.
You naturally form an emotional bond with your baby simply by spending time together, being physically close, and responding to their cues.
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is a type of feeding that consists of the baby receiving only breast milk and no other solid or liquid food except for hydrating solutions, vitamins, minerals or medications.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF recommend that this be maintained during the first six months of life and it is suggested that it begin in the first hour of life after birth, that it be on free demand and that the use of drugs be avoided. baby formula.
In addition to providing girls and boys with all the necessary nutrients and hydration, breastfeeding provides emotional and psychological benefits to both baby and mother, and helps families avoid additional expenses on formula, bottles and, by providing the best baby’s health, also reduces expenses on medical consultations and medications.
Early stimulation
It would consist of promoting the physical and mental abilities of the baby or child so that, through activities and exercises that can be carried out from birth, they can develop optimally at a psychomotor, cognitive and emotional level but also at a language level and even to promote their autonomy and independence.
0 to 3 months: at this stage we can start with some gentle exercise to awaken the first stimuli.
3 to 6 months: their motor skills are increasing and that is why we must help them strengthen their muscles for the new stage that is entering.
For more information access the available online resources:
Welcome baby guide:https://www.unicef.org/mena/media/16146/file
Guia de estimulacion: https://atenciontempranaciudadreal.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/completa-guc3ada-con-ejercicios-para-la-estimulacic3b3n-temprana.pdf
21 learning activities for babies and toddlers
Early childhood development guide:
Organizaciones de apoyo en lactancia materna:
Breastfeeding supporting organizations:
Breastfeeding association Trinidad and tobago
Phone contact:(868) 468-5412
For questions please contact our early childhood development unit you can do so through the telephone number 1868-3453865.
Early stimulation is the attention given to children in the first stages of their life, in order to maximize and develop their physical, intellectual and psychosocial abilities to the maximum, through programs that cover all areas of human development.
Stimulation activities are based on knowledge of the development patterns that children follow, so they must be applied in accordance with the age and level of development, since it is not intended to force the child to achieve goals for which It’s not ready yet.
The areas of development covered by early stimulation are:
– Gross motor, which are general movements of the body, legs and arms.
– Fine motor, which are the precise and specialized movements of hands and fingers.
– Language, which is the ability to communicate and speak.
– Socio-affective, which is the ability to relate to others and express feelings and emotions.
Nutrition for children 7 months to 1 year
Feeding your baby: 6–8 months
Between 6 and 8 months, offer your baby half a cup of soft foods two or three times a day. Your baby can eat anything except honey, which he should not eat until he is 1 year old. You can start adding a healthy snack between meals, such as pureed fruit. As your baby eats increasing amounts of solid foods, he should continue to receive the same amount of breast milk.
Feeding your baby: 9–11 months
Between 9 and 11 months, your baby can eat half a cup of food three to four times a day, plus a healthy snack. Now you can start chopping soft foods into small pieces instead of grinding them. Your baby may even start eating finger foods. Continue breastfeeding whenever he is hungry.
All foods should be easy for your baby to eat, as well as nutritious. Make every bite count.
Food should be rich in nutrients and provide energy. In addition to cereals and potatoes, make sure that every day your baby eats vegetables and fruits, legumes and seeds, a little oil or fat rich in energy and, especially, foods of animal origin (dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry ). Eating a variety of foods every day gives your baby the best chance of getting all the nutrients he needs.
If your baby rejects a new food or spits it out, don’t insist. Try again a few days later. You can also try mixing it with another food that your baby likes or adding a little breast milk on top.
For more information access the available online resources:
Guia de estimulacion: https://atenciontempranaciudadreal.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/completa-guc3ada-con-ejercicios-para-la-estimulacic3b3n-temprana.pdf
21 learning activities for babies and toddlers
Early childhood development guide:
Guia nutricional para niños- niñas y la familia
Infant and young child feeding
Juega conmigo 1-2 años
For questions please contact our early childhood development unit you can do so through the telephone number 1868-3453865.
At 2 years old, your daughter or son talks, walks, climbs, jumps, runs and has a lot of energy. She or he has a growing vocabulary and acquires new words regularly. He knows how to classify shapes and colors and may even show interest in potty training. As your child becomes more independent, they may show signs of rebellion as they begin to expand their boundaries and explore the world around them.
What games can stimulate cognitive skills?
Memory games, puzzles, songs with movements, coloring, find the differences. At this age children recognize shapes and colors
What games can stimulate motor skills?
Around their second birthday, children can usually go up and down stairs one step at a time, kick a ball, and start running. Most children can also stand on their toes. You may see your child carrying toys, sometimes big toys, around the house. Pull toys are also very popular at this age.
They doodle and draw simple lines with crayons. They can also take toys or other objects from a container and build a tower with 4 or more blocks. You may notice that your child uses one hand more than the other.
Nutrition children 2-3 years old.
This stage of life is when eating habits are established, that is, they are incorporated into the family diet. To do this, in addition to a balanced and healthy diet, it is important that food is an opportunity to get together as a family.
At this stage the boy or girl can consume dairy products, meats, grains, avocados, fruits, vegetables, cereals, tubers and water.
For more information access the available online resources:
Your toddler’s developmental milestones at 2 years
Early childhood development guide:
Infant and young child feeding
For questions please contact our early childhood development unit you can do so through the telephone number 1868-3453865.
What are some developmental milestones my child should achieve by the time he or she is three to four years old?
Your child’s third year will be dominated by fantasy and a vivid imagination. Over the next two years, your child will mature in many areas.
Below you will find other important achievements to look out for.
Achievements in his movements:
- Jumps and stands on one foot for up to five seconds
- Go up and down the steps without support
- Kick a ball forward
- Throw the ball over your shoulder
- Catches the ball on the rebound most of the time
- Moves forward and backward with agility
Achievements in hand and finger skills
- Copy square figures
- Draw a person with two to four body parts
- Use the scissors
- Draw circles and squares
- Start copying some capital letters
Language achievements:
- Better understand the concept of “same” and “different”
- You have mastered some basic grammar rules
- It is expressed in sentences of five to six words.
- Speak clearly enough for strangers to understand
- Tell stories
Cognitive achievements:
- Name some colors correctly
- Understands the concept of counting and can know some numbers
- Approach problems from a single point of view
- You begin to have a clearer sense of time
- Follows orders from three parties
- Remember parts of a story
- Understand the concept of same/different
- Participate in fantasy games
Social and emotional achievements:
- You are interested in new experiences
- Cooperate with other children
- Play “mom” or “dad”
- He is becoming more and more inventive in fantasy games
- He dresses and undresses
- Negotiate solutions to conflicts
- More independent
- Imagine that many unfamiliar images can be “monsters”
- Sees himself as a full person, involving body, mind and feelings
- Often unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality
What can my child do at this age?
As your child grows, you will notice them developing new and exciting skills. Although children can progress at different rates, the following are some of the normal milestones they can achieve in this age group:
4 year old children:
- sing a song;
- hops and hops on one foot;
- catches and throws a ball overhead;
- go down the stairs alone;
- draw a person with three different body parts;
- build a tower with 10 blocks;
- understand the difference between fantasy and reality.
Children 5 years old:
- jump rope;
- walk backwards;
- balances on one foot with eyes closed;
- use the scissors;
- begins to learn to tie his shoes;
- copies shapes while drawing;
- dresses himself;
- knows the address and telephone number;
- recognizes and recites the alphabet;
- Permanent teeth may begin to emerge.
What can my child say?
Speech development is very exciting for parents as they see their children become sociable beings who can interact with others. Although each child develops speech at his or her own pace, the following are some of the normal milestones your children can reach in this age group:
4 year old children:
- can put together sentences with four or five words;
- constantly asks questions;
- you may know one color or more;
- likes to tell stories;
Children 5 years old:
- can put together sentences with six to eight words;
- you may know five or more colors;
- knows the days of the week and the months;
- can name coins and money;
- can understand commands with multiple instructions;
- speaks frequently.
What does my child understand?
As a child’s vocabulary increases, so does their understanding and awareness of the world around them. Children at this age begin to understand concepts and can compare abstract ideas. Although children may progress at different speeds, the following are some of the common milestones that children can reach in this age group:
4 year old children:
- begin to understand time;
- you begin to be less self-aware and more aware of the people around you;
- can obey his parents’ rules, but does not know right from wrong;
- believe that your thoughts can make things happen;
Children 5 years old:
- better understanding of time;
- curious about real facts about the world;
- You can compare parents’ rules with those of friends.
How does my child interact with others?
A very important part of growing up is the ability to interact and socialize with others. This can be a frustrating transition for parents as children go through different stages, some of which are not easy to handle. While all children are unique and develop different personalities, the following are some of the common characteristics that may be present in your child.
4 year old children:
- very independent, wants to do things for himself;
- selfish, does not like to share;
- temperamental, mood swings are common;
- may be aggressive during mood swings and become aggressive with family members;
- has several fears;
- may have imaginary friends;
- likes to explore the body and may play doctor and nurse;
- could “escape” or threaten to do so;
- fights with brothers;
- will often play with others in groups.
Children 5 years old:
- generally more cooperative than 4-year-olds;
- generally more responsible than 4-year-olds;
- eager to please others and make them happy;
- has good manners;
- dresses himself completely without assistance;
- gets along well with parents;
- he likes to cook and play sports;
- When the child enters school, he or she may become more attached to parents.
How to help increase the social capacity of the boy and girl in preschool
Consider the following points as ways to foster your child’s social skills in preschool:
- Offer compliments for good behavior and achievements;
- Encourage your child to talk to you and be open with their feelings;
- Read to your child, sing songs, and talk to him or her;
- Spend quality time with your child and introduce them to new experiences;
- Encourage your child to ask questions and explore;
- Encourage physical activity with supervision;
- Arrange times for your child to be with other children, such as in playgroups;
- Give him the opportunity to choose, when appropriate;
- Use isolation time for behavior that is not acceptable;
- Encourage your child to express anger in an appropriate way;
- Limit TV (or other screen) watching time to 1 to 2 hours a day. Use free time for other, more productive activities.
Nutrition for children 3-5 years old
1. Foods that contain grains or flour (carbohydrates)
Offer these with every meal and with some snacks. They include whole grain breakfast cereals with no added sugar, pasta, rice, potatoes, sweet potato, banana.
2. Fruits and vegetables
It can take some time for children to learn to eat a wide variety, especially of vegetables. Continue offering them at every meal so your child learns that they are always part of a normal meal. Fruits are often more popular. Cut them into pieces to make them easier to eat and always include fruit as part of the dessert or as the only dessert.
3. Foods high in iron and protein
Offer these at one or two meals each day. They include meat, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes. Legumes are foods like beans, chickpeas, hummus or lentils. Offers soft, tender pieces of meat as some children have difficulty chewing hard meats.
4. Milk, cheese and yogurt
Offer your child these foods at least three times a day. Dairy products provide plenty of calcium for growing bones, but are extremely low in iron. Preschoolers need less milk than babies and should not be given large bottles of milk; Offer two to three glasses a day, but do not exceed one liter of milk a day. Large milk drinks will reduce your child’s appetite for other foods, especially those higher in iron, and provide unnecessary calories.
What should my child take at this age?
Offer six to eight small drinks throughout the day, one with each meal and one with each snack. Your child may need more fluids in very hot weather or if he or she is especially active, as he or she can become dehydrated quickly.
If he still uses a bottle, try eliminating it and giving him all drinks, including milk, in cups and glasses. Drinking from a bottle slows down the drinking process and prolongs exposure to harmful sugars. This increases the risk of cavities and tooth enamel erosion. If you can’t get him off the bottle for a while, make sure he drinks water after the bottle to prevent tooth damage.
Milk and water are the safest drinks to give between meals. Restrict fruit juices at mealtimes, as the acid in juices can damage teeth when drunk between meals or several times a day.
Sweet and sour drinks, such as “fruit punches,” also cause cavities if drunk frequently between meals and contribute to overweight and obesity.
Sports drinks should not be given to children as they have a high sugar and mineral content intended only for very active athletes.
What foods should I limit?
Foods high in fat and sugar give preschoolers some extra energy, which they need for growth. These include foods such as butter, margarine, oil, cakes, cookies, and ice cream. Include them only in small quantities. You can occasionally offer your child cake or cookies and fruit as dessert. If your child is inactive, for example, if he spends a lot of time sitting and watching television, you should only offer these foods in very limited quantities. Otherwise, you may become overweight.
To prevent obesity, it is also recommended that children be physically active for at least one hour daily and television or sedentary activities should be limited to no more than two hours daily.
Sweets and chocolates and other sugary foods can be included as an occasional treat between meals, but they can damage your child’s teeth if eaten frequently. They can also reduce your child’s appetite for healthy foods in addition to being major contributors to the obesity epidemic that affects us.
Salty foods: a typical diet in the United States, and in much of the Western world, usually has excess salt or sodium. Most of it comes from processed foods. Excess sodium can cause health problems, such as hypertension, among others.
- Potato chips and other salty snacks as an occasional food; don’t offer them to your son
- Don’t add salt to food at the table
- Use herbs and spices instead of excess salt to flavor the foods you prepare
- Keep processed foods to a minimum and when you have a choice, use the low-salt variety
What foods should my child avoid completely?
Raw or partially cooked eggs and shellfish can cause food poisoning in young children. If you offer them, make sure they are cooked well. Seafood should not be consumed more than once a week.
Large fish that live for many years, such as shark, swordfish, and pipefish, may contain high levels of mercury and should not be given to children.
Whole nuts can cause choking, so they should not be given to children under five years of age.
Tea and coffee should be avoided as they reduce the absorption of iron from food and their caffeine content is very stimulating for children. Diet colas or sodas tend to be high in caffeine and can also damage teeth, so they should also be avoided.
For more information access the available online resources:
Juega conmigo 3-5 años
Early childhood development guide:
Guia nutricional para niños- niñas y la familia
Infant and young child feeding
El Desarrollo de Niños y Niñas de 4 a 10 años
Learning through play
Supporting children education
For questions please contact our early childhood development unit you can do so through the telephone number 1868-3453865.
Other Factors to Know
The deadline for birth registration in Trinidad and Tobago is 5 business days before the baby turns three months old. If this is not done in time, parents will have to wait until the baby is 5 months old to register with the state.
The mother and father must have the following valid and current identification documents:
- Passport.
If you do not have a valid passport:
- National identification.
- Baby’s birth certificate from the hospital where the baby was born.
- Passport-size photograph.
- Consular Registration Letter issued by the Venezuelan Embassy.
The diagrams below will help you understand and complete the birth registration of a boy or girl born in Trinidad in Tobago whatever their age.
Registration of newborn Children within 3 months old
Registration of children more than 3 months old
What to do if the registration was never made or the Hospital did not file the Birth record
Breastfeeding supporting new born registration:
For questions please contact our early childhood development unit you can do so through the telephone number 1868-3453865.
Positive parenting focuses on fostering the emotional, social, and cognitive development of children through the establishment of respectful and affectionate relationships. Here are some positive parenting practices that can help promote a healthy and supportive environment for children’s growth:
1-Effective Communication:
- Speak with your children openly and honestly.
- Actively listen to their thoughts and feelings.
- Validate their emotions and make them feel that their opinions are important.
2-Setting Clear Boundaries:
- Establish clear and reasonable limits and expectations.
- Explain the reasons behind the rules for understanding.
- Apply consistent and fair consequences when necessary.
3-Positive Reinforcement:
- Praise and reinforce positive behavior.
- Use positive reinforcement to motivate and reward desirable behaviors.
- Foster self-esteem by recognizing their achievements.
- Try to understand their perspectives and emotions.
- Offer comfort and support in difficult moments.
- Model empathy so they learn to be compassionate.
5-Teaching Through Example:
- Be a positive role model.
- Demonstrate the values and behaviors you want them to adopt.
- Be aware of how you manage your own emotions.
6-Active Involvement:
- Actively participate in your children’s lives.
- Dedicate quality time to activities together.
- Be aware of their individual needs and encourage their interests.
7-Joint Problem Solving:
- Involve your children in decision-making when appropriate.
- Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving.
- Work together to find solutions instead of imposing decisions.
8-Establishment of Routines:
- Create routines that provide structure and predictability.
- Help children develop healthy habits.
- Routines also provide security and stability.
9-Focus on the Process, Not Just the Result:
- Encourage effort and perseverance.
- Value the process of learning and development.
- Avoid focusing solely on success or failure.
10-Promotion of Independence:
- Allow children to make age-appropriate decisions.
- Encourage autonomy and responsibility gradually.
- Provide support as they develop decision-making skills.
Remember that positive parenting is a flexible and adaptive approach that may vary based on the individual needs of children and specific family circumstances. Additionally, it’s important to be patient with yourself and recognize that positive parenting is a continuous process of learning and adjustment.
For more information access the available online resources:
Positive parenting
Cuidado cariñoso y sensible para las niñas y niños que viven en entornos de crisis humanitarias
Nurturing care for children living in humanitarian settings
For questions please contact our early childhood development unit you can do so through the telephone number 1868-3453865.
Every day, boys and girls should have a series of habits related to personal care that also have a very positive impact on their health while preventing possible diseases.
Bathing is a very important part of children’s hygiene, but how many days should a child be bathed? The need for a bath depends on age because children get more or less dirty. Additionally, the time of day will also depend more on the preferences and needs of the parents. Below six months, for example, it will not be necessary to bathe them daily because they get very little dirty. However, when the child starts crawling and eating on their own, it is more common for them to get dirty enough to need a daily bath, just like when they start walking or gaining some independence.
In fact, although hygiene is a fundamental aspect, bath time turns out to be one of the best opportunities to promote the autonomy of the child. Below six months, the child will be in a much more passive phase (the bath serves the purpose of keeping the child clean). Between six months and a year, the bath is a time for play and fun. From the age of one, they will begin to understand what is happening and also start participating in hygiene. After two years and up to five, children gain more and more autonomy, transitioning to a rather more passive phase where the child performs their hygiene, and parents supervise them.
Inculcating hygiene habits in children is essential for their health and well-being. Here are some important hygiene habits that parents can teach their children:
Teach children to wash their hands regularly, especially before eating, after using the bathroom, and after playing outdoors.
Make sure they use soap and rub their hands for at least 20 seconds.
Dental care:
Instill the habit of brushing their teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime.
Supervise brushing until they have the skill to do it correctly.
Regular bathing:
Establish a regular bathing routine, either daily or according to the individual needs of the child.
Teach the importance of washing all parts of the body, including hair.
Toilet use:
Teach children to use the toilet properly.
Encourage the habit of washing hands after using the bathroom.
Nail cutting:
Teach them to keep their nails short and clean to prevent the accumulation of dirt and germs.
Parents can use safe nail scissors and teach them to be careful when cutting.
Changing clothes:
Teach children to change clothes regularly, especially after physical activities or when clothes are dirty.
Encourage the use of clean and comfortable clothing.
Covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing:
Teach children to cover their mouth with their elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
Encourage the use of disposable tissues and proper disposal.
Handling tissues and towels:
Teach children to use their own tissues and towels and not to share them with others.
Instill the importance of keeping personal hygiene items separate.
Foot care:
Ensure that children wash and dry their feet, especially between the toes.
Choose appropriate shoes and clean socks to prevent issues such as bad odor and fungi.
Awareness of personal hygiene:
Promote awareness of the importance of personal hygiene for staying healthy.
Explain how hygiene contributes to preventing diseases and promoting overall well-being.
Teaching these habits from an early age will help children develop healthy practices that they can carry with them throughout life. Additionally, parents can make learning more effective by modeling these habits and making the process fun and positive.
For more information access the available online resources:
Higiene dental
Dental Hygiene
Children hygiene
For questions please contact our early childhood development unit you can do so through the telephone number 1868-3453865.